Hard to believe that I have not posted anything to my blog since December, but Lord willing when school is over (June 21st!!) my time and creative juices will be free to pursue my blogging endeavors! In the meantime, if I get a moment here or there I'll blog where I can. So, I have a moment and thought I would add a little to my family history series.
My paternal Grandmother, Anna Celona, has quite an interesting story to tell. Her father, my great grandfather Francesco came to America in 1922 with his family to find a better life. He came over and settled in Boston, MA., and found a job as a cobbler. He brought with him his wife Maria, and children Giuseppina and Domenico which were born in 1918 and 1920 respectively. He stayed in the United States 2 years, during which time my grandmother Anna and great uncle Sam were born. So, my grandmother was an American citizen from birth! In 1924, after being approached and threatened by the local organized crime boss to pay "protection" money, my grandfather Francesco moved his family back to Italy secretly and lived the rest of his life there. During the trip back, my great uncle Sam fell sick and died upon return. My grand mother says he died "from a change in climate". Not sure what that means, but could be anything from the flu to pneumonia I suppose.
My grandmother remained in Italy and married my grandfather Vincenzo in 1944. My dad, Carlo was born in 1946 and was their only child. Life in Italy post WWII was difficult. My grandfather was a fisherman, and also played minor league soccer, and my grandmother was a seamstress. But making a living was tough. So in January of 1953, they decided to move to the United States. My grand mother, being an American citizen, came over first. She had no issues emigrating to the USA given her citizenship. She came to the United States on the the famous Andrea Dora!! That famous ship, a luxury liner, sank in 1956. After making some arrangements, and getting somewhat settled in with her Uncle Steve, my grandmother made arrangements for my grandfather and dad to come to the United States in July of 1953. My dad was 7 years old.
I just find this a fascinating story. That my Nonna Anna was an American citizen from birth and yet grew up in Italy! And came back on the Andrea Dora no less!!
I'll stop here for now. Keep an eye out for the next installment.