It is true that as the Lord closes some doors He opens others. We have recently announced that within a few days Turning Point Christian Ministry of Northeast Ohio will be joining LifePointe Church (formerly Atwater Baptist Church). We will then no longer be a separate ministry, but form one body as LifePointe Church. This means a new family with brothers and sisters in Christ, a new home, new and exciting opportunities to impact our surrounding communities, and new roles and responsibilities for myself and our current Sr. Pastor Ron.
As we join LifePointe, Pastor Lee who is the current Pastor of LifePointe Church will remain in the role of Lead Pastor. I am just getting to really know Lee and his family. He is a dynamic and spiritual man with a wonderful enthusiasm for the Lord and a heart for the ministry. He has a great young family and is doing much already to grow LifePointe Church and impact the community. He truly shares the vision that Ron and I had at Turning Point to be a voice for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and an impactful and integral part of the community. I am looking forward to a long future and deep friendship with Lee.
Our current Sr. Pastor Ron will be moving into the role of Life Development Pastor. In this role Ron will be leading Discipleship classes, continue to grow the Pulpit Fill ministry we had started, develop a counseling ministry, and also serve as a voice of advice and counsel with his many years of experience in starting, growing and leading a congregation. I have been tremendously blessed to have had Ron come into my life. His mentorship, friendship, and leadership have been an invaluable source of comfort and growth for me and my family. Ron and his family are now a part my family and I look forward to working and growing with him for many, many years.
I will move into the role of Student and Family Connection Pastor. In this role I’ll work closely and oversee the student and youth programs in the areas of Sunday School, VBS, Bible Studies and other activities. The potential here is HUGE!! This is an area of particular excitement for me as 1) I have always had a passion for teaching and evangelism, 2) I have always had a desire to challenge and grow students to their potential for all ages: Elementary, Middle, High School and College, and 3) While I am still finishing my Seminary work this gives me an opportunity to quickly put into action some of the things I will be learning in school.
This is an exciting time and there will be a lot of combined growth for all of us since Lee, Ron and myself will all be in relatively new positions with new responsibilities. Some of us have little experience in the things we will be doing in the weeks, months and years to come. But think about it this way:
-When Abraham was enjoying his rich and plentiful life did he ever think he would be called to go to the Promised Land?
-When Moses was enjoying the splendors of Pharaoh’s court did he ever think he would be called to lead the Israelites -slaves- out of Egypt?
-When David was guarding his father’s sheep as a boy against lions and bears did he ever think he would have to fight Goliath?
-When a bunch of fisherman were working on their boats and nets did they ever think the Son of God would call them to spread the Gospel to a needy world?
-When Saul of Tarsus was trained under the best rabbinical teacher in the land and was zealously entrusted to eradicate the early Christians did he ever think he would become the Apostle Paul?
Obviously the answer to all of these is no. But then came God the Father, then came Jesus Christ, then came the Holy Spirit and made these men something other than what they were. What these men did possess was a sincere and humble heart that allowed them to submit to the Lord Almighty and be used as the “potter’s clay”…to be molded into what the Creator had in mind for them to be.
As we start on our journey as a part of LifePointe Church, it is well to remember that we must be humble enough to allow Jesus Christ to mold us into the image he wants us to be, and then to be bold and enthusiastic enough to spread the Gospel as strongly, and as joyously, and as effectively as we can!
God is good all the time, and all the time God is good! May the Lord bless LifePointe Church, it’s leaders, and it’s members and may we always focus first and foremost on Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. Let the adventure begin...- Amen.
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