I came a cross this quote form Calvin's Institues, and what a great quote it is. Our Saviour Jesus Christ wants us brought to him, and embraces us, not as adults but as little children in Christ. Innoicent, with wonderment, to accept him for what He is.
"For we must not lightly overlook the fact, that our Saviour, in ordering little children to be brought to him, adds the reason, "of such is the kingdom of heaven." And he afterwards testifies his good will by act, when he embraces them, and with prayer and benediction commends them to his Father. John Calvin (Inst. 4.16.7)
Ever see kids playing together. With my 4 I have all the time. They have a couple friends that are disabled (physically and mentally), and friends of different races and backgrounds. And you know what, they make no distimctions between them. They just know that those are their friends. And they accept them as they are.
That is an example of how Christ wants us to be and is towards us. He accepts us as we are: young, immature, silly, imperfect, etc. In return He wants us to accept Him as a little child would. How great it is knowing that we have a Saviour that wants us just as we are.
Just a thought ... in the text: was it the child's nature Jesus was talking about when he said "of such are the kingdom of heaven" or was he talking about them being simple and uneducated in saying "the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these?"
ReplyDeleteDoesn't it depend somewhat on how we interpret the disciples' actions of rebuking those that brought the children?
Were they turning children away because they were unimportant (not being adults) in which case it may be a bit like the "except ye be born again ..." statement in John 3. Newborns and adults are likewise members of the kingdom in that case.
Were they turning them away since they too young to know what the adults were talking about. In which case Jesus might be saying the kingdom is as much a place for the ignorant but truly spirit-born as for the doctor of theology.