Well, I officiated my first wedding yesterday, and it went flawlessly. Praise God that as soon as we took our places the Spirit came over me to calm my fears, settle my thoughts, and anoint my words.
I spoke on this passage of scripture from Philippians chapter 2: 1So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from(A) love, any(B) participation in the Spirit, any(C) affection and sympathy, 2(D) complete my joy by being(E) of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. 3Do nothing from(F) rivalry or(G) conceit, but in(H) humility count others more significant than yourselves.
In this letter, Paul is writing to the church at Phillipi, But in reality we can apply this message to all of our relationships, especially marriage. Once we are married we are told to cleave to our spouse, to leave our fathers and mothers, and become one flesh, one body.
Paul's message is clear: Consider others higher than yourself, be of one mind, of one accord. Marriage is hard (I have been married almost 12 years), marriage is work, and once you are married you are no longer able to behave as a single entity. Your decisions and actions have to include the feelings and needs of your spouse. Paul is saying here to consider others feelings before your own, to make decisions together, to be of one accord.
Later in the passage Paul refers to Jesus' example: Jesus left the height of glory. He left the heavenly realms where he ruled over all. He came to earth as a human, a poor human at that. Lived and died in humiliation. Jesus did that because he knew that to save us he had to put our need for salvation above His desire to have "this cup taken from" him.
There is a powerful message in all the books of the Bible, but in particular I love Philippians because as Paul wrote this from prison and the verge of execution, he makes it clear that the Joy of Christ is complete when we are humble, like minded, and of one accord. My prayer for the couple I married is that they keep Jesus alive in their marriage, pray often, and humble them selves to one another and be like minded as Christ did for all of mankind.
What a great post. It makes me want to get married again and have you officiate!