Monday, April 19, 2010

I have a busy schedule, but...

I haven’t written in my blog lately, and no wonder…I have an extremely busy schedule, which leads to my thoughts for today. I have been blessed with much in my life: a great wife, 4 wonderful children, a challenging and rewarding job, and a ministry that is in it’s infancy. I do a lot, no question. Besides my full-time and part-time jobs, and being an Assistant Pastor, I also: coach my daughter’s soccer and softball teams, I am a Cub Scout Den Leader, and I am in school finishing up my seminary program. I tend to my yard and flowerbeds, and I also have a large garden I plant and tend too. It’s a lot right? But consider this, Luke 12:48 states that “to whom much is given, much is expected”. So, how can I do any less.

· My wife and children are a tremendous blessing. I owe it to them to do all that I can, whenever I can, for them. I have been given much.
· My job is a tremendous blessing. I have been given much.
· Our ministry at Turning Point and my seminary work is a tremendous blessing. I have been given much.

Many people say to me “I don’t know how you do it.” , or “When do you sleep?”, or “When do you have time for yourself?”. All good questions, but in light of my blessings and of the direct command from Jesus in scripture my answer back to that is: how can I do any less if I accept God’s Word as the authority in my life?

Don’t get me wrong, I have my hobbies and I do try to make a little time for myself wherever I can squeeze it in. But I cannot imagine the selfishness needed to say, “Thanks for my blessings Lord, but I really need to worry about my needs first.” The Lord did not do this for me or you. Just like the story in Luke 12, the Lord wants us to take our blessing and multiply them. Why would I have a great family, or a great job, or a great home and squander the opportunity before me by placing myself first? Would I rather go golfing on the weekends, or target shooting, or on weekend trips, or to ball games... absolutely, who wouldn't? But lets continue to understand scripture on this topic.

In 2 Cor 4:7, Paul reminds us that we hold our treasure (the Light of Christ) in clay vessels. That is somewhat pourus, somewhat cracked. That light must shine through us. Paul goes on in Philippians 2 to state that we who have the light of Christ should shine like stars in the darkness.

Think back to your history books and old movies to when all portable lights were candles and torches. In order to be effective they were carried out in front, and up high, in order to light the way. The fire they gave, that light, led the way into the darkness. That is the way we should be with our light, our blessings: out in front, up high, an example to be followed. Any less does a disservice to the blessings given to us by Christ.

I am at the point with the kids activities that I only have Tuesday nights and some Sunday afternoons with any free. Yes, I have been given much and much is expected. I pray for strength, I pray for rest, I pray for the enthusiasm needed to carry out my responsibilities. Knowing that at the end of the day, tired as I may be, the words “I love you daddy” or “Well done good and faithful servant” will more than make up for the time I missed golfing.

1 comment:

  1. Too busy to go golfing? Even the president does that. 32 times at last count, I think. But then, he probably won't ever hear "Well done good and faithful servant."

    Keeping "running the race". All you do is appreciated.
