Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Haggai the Horrible? Not hardly!!

I am preaching Sunday and the Lord has led me to Haggai. Really good stuff in Haggai, and I am focusing on Chapter 2. In this chapter Haggai stands amid the ruins of the temple and asks the Israelites to remember their former glory and that they can rebuild and be restored. It is the reassurance that with God, all things are possible! This applies to all situations, and to us today. Here is a little excerpt:

The second question is, "How does the world look to you?" The Bible teaches us that God so loves this world that He gave His only Begotten Son so that the world, when it believes in Him, might have everlasting life (John 3:16). God sees the world as redeemable, & He sees each of us as channels through whom His redemptive message might travel.

So what do you feel when you look at the world? Do you feel anything at all? One of the crippling influences in the church today is that of apathy: an indifference that is so prevalent that it has affected the influence of many churches. "As long as my world is secure, as long as I am comfortable, then I don’t really give the world a second thought."

Hope to see you Sunday for the full message!

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